Does Insurance Cover Damage To Your Car In The Garage?
When you place your car in the garage, you expect to protect it from the elements. However, that’s not always a guarantee. Even when in the garage, the car can sustain damage from a variety of issues. Should this happen, will your home insurance or your car insurance cover the damage? Let’s explore some scenarios that could cause damage to the car while in the garage, and see how you can get coverage. 
The bottom line is that both cars and homes need separate insurance coverage, and your car will likely only receive coverage from its specific insurance policy.
The Difference Between Car And Home Insurance
Let’s say you park in the garage on a particularly stormy night. During the evening, the violent wind sends a tree toppling into your garage. Not only does the garage sustain damage, but also the vehicle and other belongings get ruined.
Given that you couldn’t have prevented such damage, you’ll likely turn to your insurance to help cover your repair costs. However, since both your home and car have separate insurance policies, which one do you use?
- Damage to the garage and its contents generally falls under your home insurance. The policy’s embedded structure coverage may pay for repairs to the garage. Your possessions coverage may pay to replace some or all your belongings. Your car will not have any coverage under the home insurance policy.
- Vehicle damage will fall under the comprehensive protection of your car insurance. Comprehensive coverage pays for damage that is not related to collisions. This usually includes incidents such as fire, weather or theft damage. Ask your <AGENCY NAME> agent about including comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy. Consider policy limits that provide enough money to replace the car in case of a total loss.
- If possessions inside your vehicle sustain damage, your home insurance might cover them. Generally, car insurance policies don’t cover possessions within the vehicle. However, home insurance policies often extend coverage to these personal items.
Keep in mind that limitations will exist on both home insurance and car insurance. For example, both policies will come with limits on how much money you can claim for car or garage damage. Exclusions on what types of damage the policy covers might also exist. Therefore, if you park your car in the garage regularly, talk to your Ludovissy and Associates agent. They can likely help you decide what levels of coverage are right for you.