Removing snow and ice from your car is difficult work and takes time to do. Sometimes motorists cut corners by not removing snow from the hood and tops of their cars. The side windows, rear window and side mirrors often get neglected as well. 
While this corner cutting does save some time, it makes winter driving even more hazardous than it already is. This means you can't assess the traffic situation behind and to the side of your car, which makes lane changing and navigating intersections very hazardous. Snow from the hood of your car can dislodge and obscure your vision at critical moments. Snow and ice that comes off the top of your car also endangers the motorists behind you.
Most states have laws regarding inadequate snow removal from cars. To avoid tickets or accidents that can increase your insurance premiums, do a proper job of snow and ice removal. One other thing to note is that not having your car cleaned off could be seen as negligence should you get into an accident. This will work against you when establishing who was at fault.
Try the following tips for effective snow and ice removal.
Start at the Top and Work Your Way Down
Brush all the snow off the top of your car. While some prefer to pull the snow towards them, this could result in getting snow on your clothes. Brushing snow in long sweeps forward or backward down the natural slope of the car requires less biceps work. Continue brushing snow down off the front window and then off the hood. Repeat the same process of clearing snow off the rear window and off the trunk area.
Make sure headlights and taillights are cleared of snow. Clear off snow from the side windows. After the snow is removed, clear ice from all windows, external mirrors and the windshield wipers.
Use a Car Cover
If you're anticipating a snow storm, try using a car cover. This greatly simplifies the process of getting your car ready to drive and eliminates the need for scraping ice from your windows and mirrors.
Warm Up Your Car with the Defrosters on Before Removing Ice
Allow enough time for the defrosters to warm up the windows. The heated windows melt the ice and saves you a lot of scraping work. This tip is especially useful when there is a very thick layer of ice that can't be easily removed with your scraper. Once the windows get warm, the thick ice will simply slide off your windows in sheets.
Remember to keep your car clear of snow and ice. It reduces the risk of accidents and auto insurance claims. Finally, it's good driving etiquette when you are on the road.
We’ve got you covered. Call Ludovissy and Associates at 888-556-6660 for more information on Dubuque auto insurance.